Sunday Suppers Celebrates the Season. 

Surrounded by a moveable feast of seasonally-inspired cookbooks, the latest edition of the Sunday Supper Club launched the holiday season with champagne, turkey and all the trimmings. Prepared by resident chef Glenys Morgan - and ably assisted by the ever-elegant Mark - the centerpiece of our glorious Yuletide dinner was a spatchcocked bird done to golden perfection. (Spatchcocking, for the uninitiated, is where the  backbone is removed and the bird is flattened before cooking.) As Glenys explained, the process reduces the cooking time by quite a bit. And - as everyone there can attest - not a bit of the flavour was lost.

The dinner was accompanied by mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts and Glenys's special recipe for stuffing and gravy. Dessert was a sticky toffee pudding with eggnog sauce that left everyone filled with boundless goodwill by the end of the evening. Anyone interested in fine-tuning their culinary skills for the season can drop by the shop for a few tips. There's sure to be a book or two that will help you become a holiday hero.