Postcards from Paris

17, Fevrier, 2009

I have been in Paris for 2 weeks now, and finally made my way to Librairie Gourmande today. It is a very nice cookbook shop, some wonderful old books (en francais) and a few new publications in English. I did not purchase today, but have made a list for the next visit. This shop is on 2 floors, a woman sits at a desk on the first floor, and another woman sits at a desk on the second floor. It is quiet, no music and no Master Holmes about to offer you a cup of tea or comical observations. Do I sound a bit homesick?
Monday was a day of cooking, writing and ending the day at a literary cafe (les editeurs in the 6th) with friends for a bottle of wine. And Sunday, new friends took me to the country to scour flea markets. That was good fun and included lunch from a catering truck which was a delicious sandwich of merguez sausage with dijon mustard on baguette.