Books, Camera, ACTION!

Books, Camera, ACTION!

Salmagundi, is the title of the first book the participants of Barbara-Jo’s Seasonal Book Experience received on Saturday, March 21^st. We welcomed our guests into the shop, prepared and served a salad from page 156, and sent everyone home with this beautiful book by Sally Butcher. Sally lives in London, she owns and operates a Persian Food Shop and has written other cookery books that we also admire. Of course, when this book arrived into the shop this past Autumn, it was love at first sight. Our initial shipment that we brought in for this occasion is gone, but we are expecting more into the shop this week. There is still time to sign up and receive Spring's book selection! You may also enroll for future seasons at any time.

Please call our bookshop at (604)688-6755 for more information.

And for you techies in the throng, we have added Instagram to our stable of social connection. We'll be sharing our events, deals, and occasional meals for you to enjoy.

Follow us @readcookeat

** Please note we have added more events for April and May

Glenys Morgan likes Boats, Whales & the occasional Walrus  - March 29th, 5-7pm

At our Sunday social, we celebrate a recently published book from a Seattle Restaurant, A Boat, a whale & A Walrus. The recipes are delicious and approachable, the stories will delight you. I appreciate that all the ingredients in the recipes are local to Seattle and being a mere three hour excursion from where we reside, are local and sustainable for us.

Cost of the Supper, which includes a copy of A Boat, a whale & A Walrus is $120.00