La Maison des Mots - September 2021


I write to you today from France, you know, this beautiful country where I have been compelled to ground myself these past years.  Actually, I arrived back to France on February 2nd, 2020 with thoughts of many things, mostly a future that has not realized for me.

Along with many in our complicated world, I accept the trials and embrace the tribulations as we carry on, and with good luck the future will provide more adventure and companionship with visiting souls from whence I come, and new faces from other lands.

At this moment I have guests booked in for October, perhaps Noel, and for 2022, I have reservations. I have most certainly been forced to rest!   Mind you, this garden and house keep me busy, and I have just posted the 4th edition of French Curiosities.

I have also written un petit livre - Les Double Alphabet du Ma Maison des Mots.  This book is an A – Z of musings of my life here in Maison des Mots, both house & garden, with a few observations of local folk.

Almost every letter of the alphabet has two petit essai for a French word that inspired my thoughts and observations the day I was writing.   It was fun to find a French word for the letters of the alphabet, mais le double idea became challenging when I came to these particular letters  -  K W X Y Z .  I remain vigilante with my desire to become completely fluent in French, but for the moment, Franglais reigns over my writing.

I asked a local friend who is English, and at one juncture in his lofty past actually taught French at Eton, to assist. Stuart Leech was not able to travel back to England much, but luckily able to work from his French home.  Donc, after he presented me a sweet card from his hand & pen on my birthday, I asked him to dessiner les illustrations. Le Graphiste  -  Monsieur Scapin is local, and though Renaud’s English is about as good as my French, we managed to make it work. 

I offer le livre pour 9 euros, plus shipping, which will not be much as the book is wee, probably 2 euros, 65 centimes (all in about $18 CDN).
If you have interest in a copy of Les Double Alphabet du Ma Maison des Mots, please send a note through email,  and I will be happy to oblige, and advise how to purchase.

I would love to personalize and ship a copy to yourself or whomever. I do believe it takes an envelope about 7- 14 days to fly from France to anywhere else.  Mais, one never really knows how the Post goes, does one?

In the meantime... "keep positive with your thoughts, words, behaviour, habits, and positive values will become your destiny" -  Gandhi

Kisses from France
Barbara-jo et Minette (miaou)
Madame M’s Maison des Mots   @maisondesmots