La Maison des Mots - December (Noel)
Am I really the age it says on the birth certificate? Well, after this year of activity, getting my hosting legs back in action, I can not tell you how old I am, even if you inquired after a few coups de Champagne. This observation is very interesting to me. When guests were inhouse I felt those stairs from the ground floor to my third floor flat, the stairs to the garden, the crochety steps down into the cave. Always, there is a deep breath before hauling my panier up the few steps from the rue into the house. And most definitely I fell into slumber immediatement when my head hit the pillow.
But I am stronger. And methinks, I am wiser. My favourite words at this moment ? Ancora Imparo – Yet I Am Learning. Word on the street is that Michelangelo spoke these words in his last breath at age 88. Here’s to living well and long - with good words to say and believe.
Though I have very much needed a break after seven months of folk coming and going, it truly was glorious to see my plan of a guest house come to be. To see friends from Canada again, and meet new friends -young, middle aged and elderly - yes, my last guest was 90. He travelled from Vancouver to spend a month in Paris for his 90th anniversaire, and I was blessed with a visit. We enjoyed a few days of good company, and with the help of his teenage grandsons, we cooked feast after feast.
For the next while, I keep quiet. Well, if you can call learning how to prune fruit trees, and all other kinds of plants, joining the Lions Club (which is quite a schedule of activity) while taking the paperwork I stuffed into a cupboard for 7 months and sorting it so I can give it to a new accountant, applying for a new visa, finally coming to terms with the fact that I must learn the French Driving Code if I am ever going to drive here again, and entertaining for folk over the next weeks. Maybe it’s not quiet.
Mostly what I like best about keeping a quiet(ish) life is reading. It is difficult to read with guests about - I don’t even think about it when my days are full of care-taking. But guests often leave books in the library for myself and others to enjoy. The left behind novel I just finished and thoroughly appreciated is: The Midnight Library by English author Matt Haig. My next read will be Indiana by George Sand. And on those evenings when I know my eyes will not make it through many pages, I settle in with Minette cuddled under my arm, and Guy de Maupassant – A Day in the Country, a book of short stories.
Oh, just a few words about the activities here in Maison des Mots this coming 2023. I have changed things somewhat and will host only 5 episodes of the five-day excursion packages. One of my guests suggests I title this Five Day Jolly 'Come Eat with Me.' Though other interests of the region are in store for anyone who partakes of the excursion package, there is indeed a lot of eating involved.
Hot of the la Charite press: Two local women are about to open a bean to bar chocolate shop, and will do classes as well. I have met a French man who is a wonderful cook. We go to his home to learn his classic French menus, while cooking together and enjoying the rituals of the French table.
Eva, one of the owners of the bean to bar chocolate shop
at our local Marche de Noel.
I leave you with this image by local artist; Bertrand Gauthier. The Gauthier family have lived here forever. His brother Joel was my Notaire when I purchased this old house, and his father, age 101, is still eating well.
Moi et Minette send you Kisses from France and our sincere wishes for a Peaceful and Feastful Holiday Season.