Simply, I adore listening to Nigella.

Last night I arrived home after a long but exhilarating day with Nigella Lawson.   When a friend telephoned to make sure I was safely tucked into my nest, I told him I was indeed ready to retire and I had just plastered my hair with COCONUT OIL.  He roared with laughter, I giggled.  We both know I have never had hair like Nigella's, never will have hair like Nigella, but Nigella does the Coconut oil nightly ritual, and now I will too.

I loved meeting Nigella, listening to Nigella, and was over the moon with the response from the guests who gathered to join me in welcoming Nigella into our lives.   Both events we hosted sparkled with a particular style.  We served tea in the shop while Sheryl MacKay interviewed Madame for her CBC North by Northwest radio show.  Our Adrienne set Nigella up for her demo, and made enough of the "Sweet Potato and Chickpea Dip"  for all 60 guests to enjoy.

The Vancouver Club tickled our elegant fancy with Champagne and appetisers after we were entertained by Nigella.  Nigella gave everyone a special moment while she personalized 165 books, phew!  And all those photos!  Everyone wanted their memory with Nigella to last and last and last......

What a day, what a night.  Nigella, you are a woman hungry for life.  I thank you for making the journey to be with us.  And for allowing us to feel we are in the kitchen with you, accessible to your glamour, your warmth and your wonderful taste.